World Bank Group Launches WBG Academy to Equip Future Leaders with Development Expertise

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Launch of Academy to Transform the Knowledge Agenda at the World Bank Group

The World Bank Group (WBG) has unveiled a new platform, the WBG Academy, aimed at equipping future leaders with the expertise needed to help their countries reach their full potential. This initiative is a key component of the Bank Group’s efforts to transform its approach to knowledge sharing. The Academy will deliver programs designed to enhance engagement among government officials, development practitioners, Bank Group staff, and other stakeholders, facilitating the sharing of knowledge, learning from experiences, and identifying actions needed to tackle challenging development issues.

The WBG Academy integrates all three Bank Group institutions—the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)—into a single platform. This integration ensures that the best global knowledge drives development, informs scalable and replicable projects, and influences global conversations. The Academy’s creation responds to clients’ demands for capacity development to be as integral as financing and analytics.

“The new WBG Academy is fully focused on clients and their needs,” stated Senior Managing Director Axel van Trotsenburg. “We will engage with clients through technical exchange, peer-to-peer learning, and collaboration to identify best practices and proven solutions. Academy programs will bring the best of global development knowledge directly to clients via our network of country offices, leveraging the Bank Group’s expertise honed over 80 years of development experience, and supporting countries in achieving their ambitious development goals.”

With a sense of urgency to address global challenges and pressing development needs, the Academy’s programs are being designed strategically, selectively, and with a focus informed by innovative technologies. These programs will address areas where client countries have specifically requested support.

The World Bank Group Academy has already convened development leaders and practitioners globally for several programs on key development priorities. More programs are planned for this year, targeting countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, and other regions, covering topics such as climate, disaster risk management, water management, and food security.

“The World Bank Group Academy is an exciting new way for us to support client countries, partners, and stakeholders by facilitating knowledge exchange and engagement, and by sharing cutting-edge knowledge and expertise from across the globe—thus enhancing their effectiveness as development leaders,” said Arup Banerji, Director for Knowledge and Learning as of July 1.

Qimiao Fan, Director for Strategic and Corporate Initiatives, who led the creation of the WBG Academy, highlighted the platform’s focus on South-South learning. “The Academy will leverage new technologies, new learning methodologies, and partnerships to achieve the highest possible reach and impact, enabling us to replicate and scale successful programs globally,” Fan said.


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