WTO issues new edition of World Tariff Profiles


WTO issues new edition of World Tariff Profiles

Summary tables provide data by country/territory, listing the average “bound” or maximum tariffs that each economy can apply to imports from other WTO members, as well as the average tariffs actually applied. The tables include tariffs for both agricultural and non-agricultural sectors.

One-page profiles offer more detailed data for each economy, listing tariffs by product groups based on the 2023 Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN) Categories, the product classification system used by the WTO for trade statistics and policy analysis. The profiles also display the tariffs imposed on the economy’s exports by its main trading partners.

Statistics on non-tariff measures, such as anti-dumping measures, countervailing measures, and safeguards, are provided by economy and product group to complement the tariff data.

This year’s edition features a special topic: an in-depth analysis of tariffs on critical minerals essential for the electric vehicle (EV) value chain. It examines tariffs levied on cobalt, graphite, and lithium, which are crucial for the production of EV batteries and other renewable energy technologies.

The analysis finds that tariffs on raw materials are generally lower than those on processed materials, which in turn are lower than on parts and components, with tariffs on final goods often being the highest. This tariff escalation has prevented many developing economies from moving into higher-value processed products.


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